Please make sure you know your bitches first day of her season and she is standing /flagging before you come and that she is up to date with worming /flea treatment and booster vaccinations .
I only do natural matings - no AI or semen shipped .
I only do natural matings - no AI or semen shipped .
Bear is our absolutely stunning 100% Australian Labradoodle Stud Dog - hip score - 4/5 , elbow score 0/0 - dna tested clear for over 200 hereditary diseases, he is 18 inches to his shoulder - a lovely medium size - though he has mated much bigger girls ( he has his steps to stand on !!!)
Stud fee is £1200 inc vat for 2 matings 48 hrs apart .
Stud fee is £1200 inc vat for 2 matings 48 hrs apart .
Moose is our Chocolate Australian Labradoodle
He’s clear of all the Australian labradoodle breed specific dna tests . Moose is 19/20 inches to his shoulder . His first 3 litters have been born and theyre an amazing assortment of colours , cream Apricot. Red , grey Merle , chocolate Merle, black & tan and Chocolate . Mooses stud fee is £800 to include 2 ties .
He’s clear of all the Australian labradoodle breed specific dna tests . Moose is 19/20 inches to his shoulder . His first 3 litters have been born and theyre an amazing assortment of colours , cream Apricot. Red , grey Merle , chocolate Merle, black & tan and Chocolate . Mooses stud fee is £800 to include 2 ties .
Hercules -
Hercules is our Apricot and white KC reg Miniature Poodle - he’s 14 inches to his shoulder and clear of all miniature poodle dna hereditary diseases , he’s a lovely natured happy little chap , will go on a step so can reach the taller lady .
Stud Fee £500 for 2 matings
Stud Fee £500 for 2 matings
Tiger - Lillynn’s Epic Eclips
k.c.reg Toy Poodle - dna tested clear of prcd - PRA , sod1 , hexb, atf2 , slc131a, pra-cord1, vwf , Tiger is a lovely little chap - perfect for the smaller ladies 13 inches and under ) tiger will not stand on a step so cannot mate taller ladies .
Tiger is Rockys son
Stud Fee £300 inc vat for 2 matings 48 hrs apart , £50 per extra mating .
Tiger is Rockys son
Stud Fee £300 inc vat for 2 matings 48 hrs apart , £50 per extra mating .
Roger -F1b Australian Labradoodle
Roger is our F1b Australian Labradoodle ( his mum is an Australian Labradoodle , Dad a red Poodle ) - 18inches to his shoulder - he’s such a lovely boy - fantastic natured with a superb dense doodle coat . Perfect for all breeds of bitch - Labrador , Labradoodle , bordoodles, cockapoos, Goldendoodles, golden retrievers etc , he has sired some stunning pups . He is health tested clear for - prcd-PRA , PRA /LOPRA , NE , vWD1, and Exon 2 - copies of his paperwork given with mating certificate , Rogers stud fee is £600 payable on first tie , 2 matings are included , extra matings £100
Stan our red Moyen PoodleStan is 18 inches to his shoulder - fantastic deep red coat - health tested by pet genetics , hip - 6/3 and elbow 0/0 scored - hes clear of SOD1 ,HEXB , ATF2 , SLC13A1 , PRCD , VWF - these are poodle specific tests , pet genetics also tested him for another 200 herediatry diseases - all of which hes clear of .
Stans stud fee is £400 including vat - 2 matings are offered . |
I also offer a free ultrasound scan 4-5 weeks after mating if no pups are seen then a return mating on the bitches next season is offered as standard practice .